Montessori School of Maui Elementary School Presentations

Highways Maui District was invited to present for Montessori School of Maui students. Our presenters met with the upper elementary students on April 25th and the lower elementary school students on May 16th. Both the two classes of upper elementary students and the three classes of lower elementary students were taught about stormwater pollution and what can be done to prevent it. The students also had fun engaging with our interactive models to visualize stormwater pollution movement throughout a watershed and brainstorming stormwater design solutions at both the street level and end-of-pipe.

Waihe’e Elementary School 5th Grade Presentations

Highways Maui District visited Waihe’e Elementary School on May 9th and 11th to present to all their fifth-grade students. Five classes of students met with our presenters to learn about stormwater runoff, potential sources of stormwater pollutants, and what we can do to prevent runoff contamination. After the presentation, each class tested their knowledge with a Kahoot quiz and broke into groups for a station rotation of hands-on activities. The station activities demonstrated pollutant movement through a watershed and involved an engineering exercise aimed at designing stormwater solutions.