Highways Maui District is pleased to announce that MEO Youth Services has received the No Ka Oi Highway Hui Award in recognition of their continuous service to the Adopt-A-Highway program.
MEO Youth Services has been an integral part of our program since 2016, consistently demonstrating its commitment to the community and environmental stewardship. Each of their cleanup initiatives draws an average of 25 volunteers, with a significant portion coming from their youth groups. Their collective efforts result in the removal of an average of 20 bags of trash at every cleanup event along their designated stretch of Maui Veterans Highway.
Dane Ka’ae, MEO Youth Services Program Director, said their volunteerism for the Adopt-A-Highway Program stems from wanting to teach kids how to be volunteers and the importance of giving back to the community.
Mahalo MEO Youth Services for your consistency and dedication to the Adopt-A-Highway Program and for helping protect our island environment. Keep up the good work!