Kalama Intermediate School GURLTEK Presentation

On January 23rd, Highways Maui District had the opportunity to present to GURLTEK, a female STEM club at Kalama Intermediate School. Our presenters shared their personal STEM journeys, gave a brief presentation on stormwater management, and showcased Maui’s storm drain system using the EnviroScape and Storm Drain Model. The interactive session aimed to inspire the students while highlighting the importance of responsible stormwater practices. Highways Maui District is honored to have been a part of GURLTEK’s journey into STEM. We hope that our presentation sparked curiosity, ignited passion, and left a lasting impact on these bright young minds. We look forward to more opportunities to foster STEM interest.

Q4 2023 No Ka Oi Highway Hui Recipient: MEO Kaohi Youth Services

Maui District proudly acknowledges and celebrates the MEO Kaohi Youth Program, our newest recipient of the No Ka Oi Highway Hui Award, in recognition of their volunteers’ valuable service to the Adopt-A-Highway program!

Since joining the Adopt-A-Highway initiative, the MEO Kaohi Youth Program has consistently organized cleanup events throughout the year. Drawing the majority of their volunteers from their youth groups, each cleanup involves a dedicated team of nine individuals who removed 8 bags of rubbish, on average, during each cleanup along the state highways on Molokai.

Mela Akana, the program coordinator for MEO Kaohi Youth Services, shares, “When we asked our youth why they participate in Adopt-A-Highway, some expressed that it makes them feel good to take care of their ‘aina, and it’s a way for them to give back.”

A heartfelt MAHALO to the MEO Kaohi Youth Program for setting a shining example for Maui County’s youth through their unwavering commitment to the Adopt-A-Highway program and their contributions to preserving and protecting our island environment!

Check out their feature in MauiNow and The Maui News!

Kamaliʻi Elementary School 2nd Grade Presentations

On January 17th, the Highways Maui District team visited Kamali’i Elementary School and presented for their 2nd-grade students. Presenters shared information about Stormwater runoff when it rains, identifying potential sources of pollution, and ways to prevent it. After the presentation, each class played a Kahoot quiz to test what they learned and split into groups for hands-on activities. These activities included observing how pollution moves through the island and exploring a model of the storm drain system on Maui.